Qld Poetry’s new look

📣 Did someone say big news?

You might notice we've had a little makeover. We're excited to relaunch as Queensland Poetry, with a brand new look, a fresh festival plan, and greater support for poets throughout Queensland.

Why the change? Well, we're not just a festival anymore — and we haven't been for a while. Though 2020 saw us deliver more satellite events than ever, this l'il name change represents our longstanding year-round commitment to poetry and spoken word in Queensland.

Our flagship festival will return in autumn 2022, and our community — that's you! — will be the first to know when EOIs open and preparation begins. Watch this space: QP will be looking to hire its next festival director-extraordinaire very soon.

We hope you love our fresh new look as much as we do! We've emerged into 2021 a very adaptive organisation, and we trust our beaut new logo represents both a legacy and a future for poetry in Queensland.

Read on to find out more about our relaunch, upcoming workshops and annual suite of Poetry Awards. And if you haven't already, subscribe to our Youtube channel to be in the know when we release new poetry showcases online.

— All of us at QPF

📣 Got questions? We've got answers:

We've got all your queries covered about our relaunch as Queensland Poetry.

Q. Why the change?
A. As an independent organisation, Queensland Poetry has grown so much in recent years. Our festival is our flagship, but we're long since not just a festival. In 2020, we delivered nearly 100 events, including workshops for adults and school students. We love supporting the community year-round, so it made sense to step up for good.

Q. Will you still be running an annual Queensland Poetry Festival?
A. You bet! QPF will be back in autumn 2022 so you can plan for your poetry fix.

Q. I'm keen — how can I participate in QPF2022?
A. You'll be the first to know when EOIs and volunteer opportunities open. Watch this space!

Q. When will the Qld Poetry Awards open?
A. Our annual suite of awards now opens mid-April, with entries closing late May.

Q. Why were the Awards delayed?
Thanks for your patience! We chose to get our new website up and at 'em first to make entering the awards as smooth a process as possible.

Q. I love this! How can I support QP in its new form?
A. Come to our events, share our news on social media, join us on YouTube. And if you're feeling passionate about poetry and have the means, we've set up a new patron's donation tier. Support our work in 2021 and beyond and receive, in thanks, perks like event passes and sweet new swag!

Q. How do I find this glorious new website?
A. Head to www.qldpoetry.org and you'll find everything you need! You can also find us as @qldpoetry on twitter and instagram.

Q. How do I get in touch?
You can find our team contact details here, or send any general queries to info@qldpoetry.org.

📣 Volta Poetry

It has been such a delight to kick off our Volta events (in person!) at Brisbane Square Library. We couldn't be happier to know that our local poetry scene continues to thrive, despite the challenges of the past year.

Our March Volta Poetry was a blazing success. Thank you to our performing poets — pictured below — and all you wonderful poetry-lovers who came out to listen!

Did you book fast enough for our May event? This free event is now booked out, but June's — featuring Margaret Clifford, Nick van Buuren & Janaka Malwatta — is now open for bookings.

Please note there is no April event, due to Easter scheduling.

BOOK NOW for electric poetry, spoken word, and the unexpected.

Emma Simington, Amanda Thomas, and Luke Best read at our March Volta.

Emma Simington, Amanda Thomas, and Luke Best read at our March Volta.

📣 Poetry opportunities

Scum: Open for feminist-friendly submissions from the 1st–7th of every month.
Voiceworks: Poetry submissions close 11 April.
Queensland Literary Awards: Nominations close on 30 April.
Cordite 102 — GAME: Poetry submissions close 9 May.
Bluebottle Journal: Poetry submissions open throughout May.
Split Lip Magazine: Free poetry submissions throughout May.
Impossible Archetype: Submissions close 1 August.
Strange Horizons: Open year-round for poetry.
Rattle: Open year-round.
Enby Life: Open to gender-diverse and non-binary writers.

Got a call-out you'd like poets to know about? Let us know.

📣 Get in touch

Questions or suggestions? Here's who to contact:

  • Michael Peterson: General Manager

  • Zenobia Frost: Events and Marketing

  • Anna Jacobson: Awards Administration

  • Angela Pieta: Australian Poetry Slam and SlammEd


We’re hiring!


2021 Zoom workshops